This teacher training program is designed to give you the tools to teach all-levels of Vinyasa /power yoga classes. During your training, you will be teaching something every day, starting with your first day. Sometimes in small groups, sometimes in front of a full class, you will learn to feel confident and able to guide a safe yoga practice. You will study anatomy, yoga philosophy and history, meditation, yoga nidra, pranayama, restorative yoga, and learn how to design a yoga class to achieve the greatest impact. This program is very comprehensive and intense, and it can seem overwhelming at times, but it all comes together in the end.
There is no right or perfect way to teach yoga, and we want you to try new ways and experience different styles of yoga just to help you find your true fit. This is very important to your learning and your personal growth and it will expand your teaching skills. It’s important that you are sincere and authentic in your teaching style, and we will help you develop your unique style
Our program delivers:
• Personal growth and development as a teacher and leader through discussions, journaling, and exercises.• Understanding of the philosophy of yoga; integrating it in your life and bringing it to your students.• Understanding the origins of yoga and modern-day ethics in the application of teaching yoga.• Techniques for hands-on assisting and modifications for physical and emotional needs.• Exploration of anatomy and physiology and how it applies to each asana.• Development of sequencing of postures for 60-minute classes.• Methodology and techniques of teaching yoga to all skill levels to enhance practice and avoid injuries.• Practice teaching classes with direct feedback.• Enhanced confidence in personal presentation, as well as gains to listening and communication skills.• Introduction to the business of yoga, including establishing yourself as a credible teacher.
What we expect from you
• Honest, open, clear communication.• Timeliness. Please try to arrive on time and we will get you out on time. Respect each other’s time and don’t make others wait on you.• 100% attendance.• Feedback.• And a willingness to be open to new and different ways of thinking and doing.
Curriculum Hours
• Techniques, Training and Practice-include asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, mantras, bandhas, mudras and meditations. Hours in this category include both training in the techniques and practice of them. These hours will be a mix of guided practice of the techniques as well as analytical training in how to teach, assist, modify, demonstrate and practice the techniques.100 hours.
• Teaching Methodology-includes principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/adjusting, instruction, teaching styles, the basics of sequencing, qualities of a teacher and the students process of learning. 30 hours.
• Anatomy and Physiology-includes the study of the physical anatomy and physiology, including bodily systems and the application of its principals to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, common injuries and risks.) 20 hours.
• Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle-will expose students to the history of yoga, yoga philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras, and the eight limbs of yoga. Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethics and yoga principles for yoga teachers. Students are encouraged to practice yoga off the mat and to explore their personal connection to the reading and teachings.30 hours.
• Practicum-includes practice teaching, assisting, receiving feedback, observing other teachers and giving feedback. 20hours
• Homework or Non-contact hours-there may be required reading/videos for each training and some exams in an effort to measure your progress. Journaling is highly suggested through this experience to enable you to realize and determine your own personal growth. 20 hours
The Twisted Warrior Teacher Training Program will be held at The Twisted Warrior located in downtown Fond du Lac. Our Studio offers a variety of yoga classes each week, a 1000+ square foot studio, and a warm and inviting atmosphere. The studio is equipped with mats, bolsters, blocks, blankets, and straps. There is plenty of free parking on Main Street.
The Twisted Warrior
15 North Main Street
Fond du Lac WI, 54935
Owner/Lead Trainer- Lucy Mathers
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for the entire program is $2700.00. You are also responsible to purchase the required textbooks which will total approximately $150.